
Steering Clear of Fast Fashion with Ayana Active

Lea Codispot 0 Comments

Fast fashion, characterized by its rapid production and distribution of inexpensive clothing, has emerged as a dominant force in the fashion industry. This model prioritizes quick turnover of inventory and affordable clothing options, which are attractive attributes to...

What Being an Innovator Means to Ayana Active

Lea Codispot 1 comment

At the heart of innovation lies a profound desire to make a lasting impact. Ayana Active recognizes, however, that innovation does not have to mean coming up with an entirely new invention, but rather, putting a creative spin...

Overcoming Comparison in the Race of Life

Lea Codispot 5 Comments

As Ayana Active Assistant Jenn Becker ventured into the world of running at the age of 40, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery and perseverance. Unlike many seasoned athletes, Jenn had never been involved in sports and...

A Dancer's Journey Through Comparison

Lea Codispot 0 Comments

As a member of Gen Z, Ayana Active Marketing Intern Lea Codispot grew up alongside the explosion of social media. Every one of her peers was on Snapchat and Instagram before middle school, cyberbullying was rampant across the...

Overcoming the Comparison Trap

Lea Codispot 1 comment

Comparison, often deemed the thief of joy, leads individuals into longing over perceived inadequacies. Fixating on others' accomplishments or possessions can breed self-sabotage, overshadowing personal achievements. In truth, there will always be someone seemingly "better" in various aspects...